The Dark Communities

The evil Assyrian Pazuzu was the ruler of the wind demons. He was particularly linked to the southwest wind, which brought grasshoppers, hunger, and droughts.

As a strong demon, Pazuzu was widely used as a defence against Lamashtu, a female demon with extensive destructive abilities who particularly frightened expectant mothers and new parents as they were her preferred (but not exclusive) targets. Amulet with a Lamashtu Demon, ca.

The Realm of Good and Evil

Most ancient Near Eastern demons have vanished into darkness; for example, powerful beings like Humbaba no longer inspire the same fear in Mesopotamia as they did in the first millennium B.C. In fact, visitors to our galleries of ancient Near Eastern artwork frequently describe Humbaba as being pleasant and humble, in contrast to the frightening enemy from the Epic of Gilgamesh that guards the Cedar Forest.

As Pazuzu maintains a body with other Mesopotamian demons, his head is unique from everyone else’s. It has a rectangular shape, capric horns, large eyebrows covering deep-set round eyes, a canine jaw showing teeth, a tongue, and a long, two-pronged beard delineated by horizontal lines. Pazuzu’s head’s composition is the oldest documented instance of Mesopotamian imagery fusing various animal and human traits; preceding iconography had only added one animal body component, such as a lion’s head on a human body. 

The abrupt and completely developed appearance of Pazuzu’s iconography in the archaeological record, with no discernible evolutionary stages, has also baffled academics. The specific geographical origins of the imagery cannot be determined because there are no earlier recognisable representations, but it most likely originated in Mesopotamia or Egypt.

Pazuzu’s Blessing At Satanic Temple

Satanic Temple
Satanic Temple

The Satanic Temple Houston celebrated the blessing of Pazuzu on Saturday, February 8, 2020 (many thanks to Satanic Bay Area!). The Pazuzu’s Blessing rite, so named after a Mesopotamian demon deity of the wind, is designed to honour participants’ delight and happiness.

The strange setting for a Satanic ritual included the sun shining, insects buzzing, and birds whistling. In a backyard, attendees gathered in front of an altar covered with colourful flowers. The focal point of the shrine was a figure of Pazuzu made by one of the group, which was placed in the foreground.

The celebrant gave Pazuzu’s Invocation after the conventional TST Invocation and Dark Lord’s Prayer, briefly describing the background and symbolism of the “face of the cruel southwestern wind,” who was also a guardian spirit against evil spirits. He clarified that for Satanists, one’s own self and their friends are the sources of all blessings. During the Invocations, attendees stood up to receive hand-made flower garlands and to speak briefly on what makes them happy in their own lives. The audience praised each speaker.

The delight of being a member of a vibrant and encouraging community seemed to be the day’s ongoing theme, despite the fact that the participants had numerous wins and victories to celebrate.

The celebrant placed flowers in the ceremonial chalice as an offering to Pazuzu at the conclusion of the ritual. The rite ended when participants moved forward to get the Beast’s mark.

The Dark Communities in Kerala

Dark Communities
Dark Communities

As of now, we are not aware of these unique cultures practised inside the Kerala state. There are a lot of human sacrifice rituals still going on. Since we all are living in a peaceful atmosphere, the Satanists, Devil Worshipers, Anti Christ Community and Black Magic are a happen behind our eyes. Even I am not willing to expose the venues of these communities’ rituals are happening. Many high-class individuals, businessmen and celebrities are involved. To carry out the strong impossible desires of riches they always go to any extent and they end up in the hands of those who run these exotic communities. In Kerala, we live in a very mixed culture with many of them believing in gods and here there are many worships devils and they get the returns in instant. The majority appeal that it is a big sin and brutal crime. Our brains can go to any extent, we have beliefs within us. Everything happening here with psychological pseudo-science elements. Once the exact face opens up with true evidence. We have to believe, it still exists and the one who is standing next to you is a part of it!!!

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